Free video Zoom backgrounds

Want a little motion behind you in your next Zoom meeting? You can use a video to keep things interesting.

The background videos are sized appropriately for use on Zoom video calls. You can check out these free video Zoom backgrounds or see all the available travel theme Zoom backgrounds.

Free Zoom backgrounds

Like these Zoom backgrounds? Consider a Donation
These are all photos taken by me. Yes, they’re free, but a donation of any amount is appreciated. Thank you to those who have donated!
Venmo: @Donna-JS-Wilson

How to download the free video backgrounds

Click the download button after the image you want, and it should automatically download to your computer.

Zoom background videos

To save an image, click the “download” button for the image you want.

These are all photos taken by me. If you use an image, please consider a donation. Any amount is appreciated.
Venmo: @Donna-JS-Wilson

Zoom background: The twinkling lights of the Eiffel Tower in Paris, France
A steaming geyser at Yellowstone National Park.
Take some time out from a hiking, backpacking or camping adventure to join a video call. This campfire and tent video call background will be sure to keep you warm – just don’t get too close! This was taken along the Manistee River Trail in Michigan.
Stream, waterfall and bridge video background for Zoom. Taken on the Manistee River Hiking Trail.

Sunset at a lake free Zoom video background. This is Hatchet Lake at Isle Royale National Park in Michigan.
Zoom background: Willow trees gently swaying in the breeze, Ljubljana, Slovenia

Rules for using the free Zoom backgrounds

These are free for personal use as Zoom backgrounds. That includes using them in work meetings. You can not sell them, or package them as your own. This does not give permission to upload them anywhere for others to download. I retain all copyrights to images.