Tips for visiting Mont-Saint-Michel in France

Planning a visit to Mont-Saint-Michel – one of France’s most iconic landmarks? I’ll share highlights and insights from my own trip to this island abbey to help you plan your own unforgettable trip to Mont St. Michel.

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How to get to Mont-Saint-Michel

Visit Mont-Saint-Michel from Paris

It’s about a 4 hour drive to get to Mont-Saint-Michel from Paris. When I went, I rented a car in Paris for a longer tour around France. There is a parking lot for the Mont and a bus that will take you there from the car park. It’s not a long walk to get from the car park to the island if you prefer to walk (remember that I’m a hiker, though – I may judge distances differently than non-hikers!). And as a warning for anyone else who is directionally challenged – I decided to walk back to my car after my stay – with my luggage – and couldn’t find the car park. I ended up walking back to the island to catch the bus. If you are also not good with directions, you should probably stick to taking the shuttle bus (I wish I had)!

View of the island of Mont St Michel - taken from the road, with water around the walls.
Arriving at Mont Saint Michel – view from the road.

It is also possible to use a bus tour from Paris to visit the island if you’re not up for driving or renting a car.

Visiting Paris? See all my Paris posts.

Day trip to Mont Saint Michel from Paris

Best time to tour Mont-Saint-Michel

Summer is when you have the best weather but also the most crowds. I’d heard of being shoulder to shoulder with other tourists, which is not something I enjoy, so I wanted to avoid the most popular summer months. I went in early March and, while the weather was cooler and cloudy, there really weren’t may tourists. At one point I was in the Abbey and there wasn’t another person in sight – magical!

So if you prefer to travel in better weather, June or July might be best for you. My recommendation: Aim for the spring and fall shoulder seasons to avoid crowds.

Love France? See all my posts about Paris & France.

Mont Saint Michel – A brief history

The first thing to see is the island itself – it is absolutely magical! It’s a small rocky island in Normandy, France, but is best known for the stunning medieval architecture. Next to the Eiffel Tower and Arc de Triomphe, it’s one of the primary images you see when talking about France.

Construction began in 708 AD when Aubert, the Bishop of Avranche, was visited by St Michel (the Archangel Michael) in a dream, telling him to build a church on the island. Over the centuries, Mont Saint-Michel developed into a major pilgrimage site.

During the 100 Years’ War from 1337-1453, Mont-Saint Michel was a symbol of French resistance against English forces. It was one of the few places in Normandy that never fell to the English during the war.

Following the French Revolution the abbey was closed and transformed into a prison, lasting until 1863. It’s role as prison may have helped preserve the structure, which probably would have been neglected or demolished if it wasn’t being used.

Today it’s a UNESCO World Heritage site, renowned for its medieval architecture, and now a pilgrimage site for tourists!

What to see

La Grand Rue – the main street of Mont Saint Michel

The main street going in is La Grand Rue. It’s lovely and quaint, but also crowded and touristy. You can’t miss it – you’ll walk here right after you enter. This is where you’ll find the shops and restaurants.

Wander the narrow streets

Very narrow stairs on Mont St Michel

Break off the main path into some of the smaller side streets and alleys to explore – it’s fun to just wander around. When I stayed on the island, someone from the hotel came to meet me, looked me over to make sure my luggage and I would fit, then led me up to the hotel through a passage so narrow my shoulders nearly touched both walls. It was amazing!

At the time I visited Mont Saint Michel, I was reading the book All the Light We Cannot See. If you haven’t read it, the writing is incredible, very atmospheric. Part of it takes place along the coast in France, and there’s water, stone, and gulls. Reading the book while there, hearing the same things, smelling the salt air – the book and the trip are forever melded together in my memory. It was an unforgettable experience!

Church of Saint Peter (L’eglise Saint-Pierre)

This small church lies in the heart of Mont St. Michel. It’s small, but quite beautiful, and was an unexpected surprise for me as I wandered around the island. There is a stunning statue of Saint Michel – St Michael the Archangel – slaying the dragon, as well as a statue of the Virgin Mary and more.

The cemetery on Mont Saint Michel in France.

Cemetery at St. Peter’s church

I love to wander through cemeteries, and the small one of the Eglise St-Pierre – Church of Saint Peter – was no exception. It’s small and not really a ‘green space’ like a lot of cemeteries, but interesting to walk through.

Mont Saint Michel abbey

You can’t miss the abbey – it’s what you came her for! Once you’ve made it to the top, you can enter the abbey. I’m including some photos of the abbey – it’s incredible – and also links to guide books and history books to learn more about it.


Between the 12th and 14th centuries, ramparts were built around the village and abbey. Today you can walk along the ramparts, getting great views of the bay.

Visit at high tide

If you can make it work, be at Mont Saint Michel for high tide. You can see the water run right up to the front gate, and see the island surrounded by it (other than the bridge, of course!)

Mont Saint Michel after dark

Visit Mont St Michel at night time

Stay a night on the island if you can. This gives you the chance to wander around at night after most of the tourists have left. It’s peaceful and quiet – a just a little bit eerie!

Mont-Saint-Michel tours and tickets

The village is public – there is no cost to visit the island and village. Tickets are required for the abbey, though. You can choose a ‘free visit’ where you wander on your own, or a guided tour. Tickets open one month in advance. They are timed tickets – you have an entrance time with an hour or two window to use your ticket. Learn more here:

There are also 3rd party tickets and tours, with options of guides, and even private guides.

Where to stay

Can you stay on Mont-Saint-Michel?

Yes, it is possible to stay overnight at Mont-Saint-Michel.

Mont St Michel hotels

There are several hotels on Mont-Saint-Michel including budget hotels and nicer ones. If you’re not staying on the island, you can find many hotels with a view of the island and abbey. Find hotels on Mont St. Michel

If you are staying in a hotel on the island, check with them on where to park. There is a special parking lot (off island) for those staying in hotels, and a shuttle bus picks you up to drive you to the island.

Is it better to stay on the island or off of it?

Some people say you should stay on the island because it’s amazing after dark when most of the people are gone. Others say you should stay off the island because you can get amazing views of it after dark. I guess you have to choose what’s most important to you. But here’s my tip: If you stay on the island, you can walk out on the bridge after dark to take some night time photos.

Mont Saint Michel at night

My solution was actually to spend one night in Pontorson, near Mont-St-Michel, travel to the island the next day, stay on the island, then return to my car. So I guess the real solution is to do both if you can!

Can you make a day trip to Mont St Michel from Paris?

Yes, you can take a day trip from Paris to Mont St. Michel. It will be a long day, as it is a 4 hour drive each way. There are bus tours you can take from Paris, to avoid having to make the drive on your own and make the day a little more relaxing.

Can you visit Mont St Michel and the beaches of Normandy?

While Mont Saint Michel and the beaches of Normandy are not far apart (1 hour 40 minutes by car), it’s not something you want to do in a single day. It’s possible but not comfortable. Two days would work though, and it’s possible to have a guided tour of both the Normandy Beaches and Mont Saint Michel, leaving from Paris – in case that’s something you’d like to add to a Paris trip.

Enjoy your visit to Mont Saint Michel

The best tip for an amazing trip to Mont Saint Michel is to wander slowly and breathe it in. Pay attention to the sounds – the seagulls, the waves – and the smells of the salt air. Wander slowly, aimlessly, and see where your feet take you.

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