With its vibrant culture and stunning jungles, Papua New Guinea is a great background for your Zoom calls. I was lucky enough to have the opportunity to travel deep into the jungles, visiting remote villages. These are a few of my photos that make great backdrops for Zoom calls – a sunset in the village of Gaba Gaba, spearmen rushing to welcome our group in a traditional manner, and some jungle vines that are one of the most exotic (for this Michigander) things I have ever seen.
The background images and videos are sized appropriately for use on Zoom video calls. You can check out these free Papua New Guinea Zoom backgrounds or see all the available travel theme Zoom backgrounds.
Free Zoom backgrounds

These are all photos taken by me. Yes, they’re free, but a donation of any amount is appreciated. Thank you to those who have donated!
How to download the free Papua New Guinea Zoom backgrounds
Click the download button after the image you want, and it should automatically download to your computer.
Papua New Guinea Zoom background pictures
To save an image, click the “download” button for the image you want.
These are all photos taken by me. If you use an image, please consider a donation. Any amount is appreciated.
Venmo: @Donna-JS-Wilson
PayPal: paypal.me/donnajswilson
Zoom background: Sunset in Gabagaba, Papua New Guinea
Most of the village is built over the water for protection.
Zoom background: Spearmen of Papua New Guinea
It’s a welcome ceremony, and not as dangerous as it looks. Your co-workers don’t need to know that, though!
Zoom background: Jungle vines in Papua New Guinea
Rules for using the free Zoom backgrounds
These are free for personal use as Zoom backgrounds. That includes using them in work meetings. You can not sell them, or package them as your own. This does not give permission to upload them anywhere for others to download. I retain all copyrights to images.